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  • Jessica Phillips

The Stack’s Ed Targett shares top tech PR tips

PR professionals and journalists are two sides of the same coin. One is headed towards the facts and the other delights in tales. 

Three people looking at an iPad at smiling in a meeting.

But without one, the other does not exist. Journalists rely on the trusted PR professionals to provide factual accounts of the stories they are pitching. The fine print may be about the product, the senior hire or the company expansion, but those PR professionals who get it right have a knack for being pitch-perfect; tailoring releases to each journalist based on their target audience. 

If you walk in the shoes of a global tech company and are innovating beyond the parameters of the industry, arm yourself with a powerhouse global B2B technology PR agency that already possesses trusted relationships with top-tier journalists. 

In a conversation at King's Cross, AZK Media’s Managing Director Azadeh Williams and The Stack Founder Ed Targett discuss the upcoming year in tech, highlighting the challenges CIOs and CTOs face in adopting AI while dealing with compliance risks and data mess.

We also see Azadeh’s daughter chime in with a hard-hitting question of her own. Dive into this special AZK Meets episode.

Hot tech topics driving news headlines

With the burgeoning popularity of AI now a global phenomenon, many countries, including Australia have tightened their data privacy and compliance laws. CIOs and CTOs are cleaning up their databases, particularly as enterprises adopt personalisation strategies at scale and use predictive AI to enhance customer experiences. 

Never underestimate the power of testimonials

Ed emphasises the importance of customer advocacy in tech pitches to journalists, who are often overwhelmed by the copy-paste press releases with little relevance to the newsroom’s target audience. He also criticises the lack of authenticity in many PR communications and the disconnect from how newsrooms operate. “Cutting through is hard, and it's getting harder because newsrooms are typically quite under-resourced at the moment. Good customer advocacy is really powerful,” says Ed. If you have a customer who can advocate on your behalf, a CTO will find that is a major drawcard for making headlines. 

How to make a pitch sing: Hire former journalists

A PR professional who truly is a native to the newsroom environment understands the importance of a clear-cut pitch that resonates with the target audience, providing factual information while creating urgency to solve a real-world problem. A good pitch does not reveal how awe-inspiring a product is, rather it zooms in on the solutions it can bring to streamline digital processes. 

Ed explains, “Big PR agencies don't have ex-journalists or journalists working with them. They don't understand how newsrooms work or ways to tell a story. You see press releases or blogs that have gone through 1000 rounds of edits with about 50 people involved, and what comes back is just this anodyne nonsense that nobody would ever carry.”

When reaching out to PR agencies, consider these points first:

  • Do they hire former journalists? Ensure they hire former senior journalists who can grasp the fast-paced and under-resourced nature of a newsroom. 

  • Do they pitch with customer advocacy? Pitch stories with expert spokespeople who offer intelligent insights and technical details.

  • Are they authentic in their approach? Invite your spokespeople to just be their authentic selves. The integrity jumps off the page in a successful pitch.  

  • Do they solve problems? Construct a pitch that provides the facts, anecdotal evidence and testimonials from all relevant people who face the problem you are trying to solve. Seldom does a good pitch explain how great the product is they are actively trying to market. 

Mastering the tech news game is nuanced with authenticity

As Ed and Azadeh underscore, the most effective PR strategies hinge on authentic storytelling, strong customer advocacy, and a clear grasp of how newsrooms operate. 

For PR professionals aiming to make a significant impact, aligning pitches with the realities of journalists’ needs—whether that is hiring former journalists or focusing on genuine, problem-solving narratives—is essential. As the tech landscape continues to evolve rapidly, the ability to craft compelling, relevant pitches will be crucial in cutting through the noise and securing those coveted headlines. 

By embracing these insider tips, PR professionals can better navigate the complexities of the tech news cycle and ensure their stories not only reach but resonate with their target audience.

Authored by Jessica Phillips, Senior Social Media and Communications Specialist at AZK Media.



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